Category Archives: Astrology

Return of Saturn


As I was sitting in the car with Raine, she told me about the Return of Saturn, and how it may explain why so many of us are going through a quarter-life crisis. Fascinated and incredulous that I had not as yet heard of this phenomenon, I looked it up on and found the following (there are several aspects to it):

“What is the Saturn Return?

This is when the planet Saturn comes back to meet your natal Saturn. It takes about 29.5 years for this slow-mover to return to where it was when you were born. The Saturn return hits in the late twenties, and its impact is felt into the early thirties. There’s a second (and possibly a third for the long-lived among us) Saturn return that hits between age 57-60.”

“Stripping Down:

The Saturn return often creates a crisis that puts you face-to-face with your fears. And many of these have deep roots in your psyche, but they’re also about living up to societal expectations. Saturn causes a mini earthquake to the foundations, and this enables you to shake off what’s not really You. Saturn’s other alias is Lord of Karma, and here’s the test of whether you can become your own authority. Can you discover an unshakable core self within you that will be the basis for a lifetime of growth?”